Peruvian Empanada Dough Recipe

Peruvian Empanada Dough Recipe

My husband, who is from Peru, and I had been married for almost five years when one night he made Empanadas. They were a favorite of his, a comfort food from his youth. He even sold them to local coffee shops in Lima as a teen. I am not sure what finally made him decide to share them with us that night but I am so glad he did. My mom who was lucky enough to be joining us for dinner was almost angry that he had waited so long to make them. For almost eight years now they have been a staple in our home. Our daughters would eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner if given the option. They are by far the most requested item by friends and family. 
Below is his recipe for the dough. You can fill them with whatever fillings your family will enjoy. (If you would like to see what we typically fill them with you can check out our video on youtube.)
1 kg All Purpose Flour
24 g Baking Powder
2 Egg Yolks
300 ml Water (room temperature)
100g Sugar
400g Butter (room temperature) *also works with margarine or lard
1. In a bowl whisk together water, sugar, and egg yolks. Set off to the side
2. Combine dry ingredients and then sift on to a clean countertop.
3. Make a well in the flower and add room temperature butter. Using your fingers combine until you have a wet sand texture.
4. Make a well again this time pouring the water mixture into the center and mix and start mixing from the center of the well toward the outside until dough forms.
5. Knead the dough until fully combined, approximately 1 minute
6. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Portion and use
Bake at 360 until golden brown, approximately 20 minutes. 
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